Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Great Joe Biden Interview

Barbara West of WFTV in Florida interviewed Joe Biden a couple of days ago. if you haven't watched it, you must - it's hilarious

My favorite part is probably when he claims, "The only person spreading the wealth around is George W. Bush. Obama doesn't want to spread the wealth around."

Hey Joe - you are aware the "spread the wealth around" were Obama's own words, correct?


Karen said...

I bet the Obama folks are really glad that wasn't a CNN interview or something. Biden is a moron. And you're right. The best part was when he credited George W. Bush for spreading the wealth while trying to make it a bad thing--when it's his running mate's plan in the first place!

MDP said...

did you notice the Obama camp reaction? They lambasted the station for asking unfair questions and said the station would not be allowed access to the Obama campaign in the future. They have such an incredibly thin skin and they shut down negative information so quickly that it's pretty creepy. Or maybe I should say CREEPy