Friday, April 10, 2009

New Global Warming Study

Hot Air reports on a new study from NASA that suggests global warming is indeed man-made, though not in the way liberals claim.

Apparently, reduction of aerosol and sulphur emissions starting in the 70's led to a reduction of particulate matter in the atmosphere that actually caused a cooling effect. Reducing emissions led to a reduction in cooling materials and a rise in the temperature, which caused higher-than-usual melting of the arctic shelf.

Talk about the law of unintended consequences.

Or, were they actually intended? Remember, back in the 70's, liberals were warning us about going into another ice age. Looks like they managed to prevent that from happening (ha ha) and got us warmed up pretty well.

1 comment:

Karen M. Peterson said...

Unintended Consequences is one of my favorite laws.