Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Liberal Insanity..Literally

Saw this on another great blog (Rightklik) and it is absolutely frightening. Actually click on the Organizing for America link and read the insane rantings there - right-wing terrorists, Fox Propoganda Network, etc. This page is sponsored by the Democratic National Committee! What the hell is going on in this country?

Barack Obama was supposed to be post-partisan but I have never seen one party so off the rails and slandering people who have different opinions so badly as liberals are doing now. It really is a scary time for America.


Kristi said...

I just thank God that my school won't have begun when they try to brainwash the children. :) And I thank God even more that my son isn't of school age yet... At least he watches enough Hannity to ward off the evils of the nutty liberals.

MDP said...

your son sounds like a smart kid!