Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Whole Foods Should be Praised, Not Boycotted

I have to admit - I don't regularly shop at Whole Foods Market...I never got into the whole "organic" or "health food" crazes - it seems like a little to hippie for me.

But Whole Foods market has a great health insurance system that could be a model for all other companies and the federal government.

Whole Foods CEO John Mackey recently wrote an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal explaining changes he would make in the health care system and used his company as an example. His ideals don't include a public option or anything else to get liberals excited, but they are pretty common sense ideas - and ones every rational person should be able to agree with.

But liberals don't like people who say things they disagree with. So some liberal geniuses have decided to boycott Whole Foods Markets.

The Daily Kos writer says only one intelligent thing (about consumer power - a wildly underused power BTW) but the rest of the post and the comments are sadly ill-informed. Perhaps they do not realize that Whole Foods health care costs are very low and that a huge majority of employees are happy with the plan.

For a great article about the plan and its benefits, see John Stossel's piece written almost two years ago. If we had gone with a plan like this two years ago, the country would be in a lot better shape.

But all liberals see is a program without a public option and a CEO who doesn't support a government takeover of health care and so they boycott. And they are supposed to be the open-minded party. Can't they see something successful and take a lesson from it? I guess not.

P.S. As Glenn Beck says in his book Common Sense - if you know you are right, you welcome debate, because you know you will win it. Why are liberals so afraid of this debate?

1 comment:

Karen M. Peterson said...

I thought the same of Whole Foods until I went to one. LOVE it. I don't necessarily care about the whole organic craze necessarily, but I do like knowing where my food comes from and knowing that it's fresh.

And now back to the topic at hand. :-) You're right. Liberals are afraid of the debate because their only weapon is fear. They don't stand on facts. They call for a utopian society, but forget that Utopia was a work of fiction. That and the fictional Utopia called for all citizens to be productive, rather than relying on the government to give them everything.