Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Lieberman Reaction Exposes Liberal Hypocracy

Here's a picture of Senator Joe Lieberman I found on a liberal website today. Message board posters on all sorts of websites are calling him 'Lie'berman, calling him a traitor, calling him a neo-con, calling him "Benedict Joseph." Liberal journalists have widely disparaged him for speaking at the Republican National Convention last night. Strangely enough, John Nichols at The Nation seemed to mock Republicans for applauding him when he only agrees with them on one issue - Iraq.

The amazing thing to me is that Democrats spew vitriolic hate against him when he only disagrees with them on one issue. He is a pretty standard liberal on most issues - abortion, health care, taxes, welfare, education, gun control, environmental protection, gay rights and social security. He only breaks with the party on the single issue of protecting our country from Islamic jihad. And for that, he is a pariah.

There is a petition going around to remove him from his committee positions in the Senate. Supposedly it has 52,000 signatures. Liberals are telling him to get lost - they don't want him, they don't need him (they must forget that for the time being, they need him to keep a razor-thin majority in the Senate).

Incredibly, Democrats were so incensed that he supported the war in Iraq, the party nominated someone else for his Senate seat in 2006. But then Sen. Lieberman ran as an Independent and beat Ned Lamont in the general election. He remained committed to the Democratic Party, caucusing with them and enabling them keep a 51-49 majority. Even after the party turned its back on him, he remained committed to the liberal cause and stuck by the Democratic Party.

But liberals don't care about that. Their reaction to him shows just how irrational they are. The Democratic party is the party of progressiveness and inclusiveness - but only if you agree with them. And I don't mean agree with them for the most part, or on a majority of things. You had better agree with them on every single issue. If you don't, if you deviate in any way, they want nothing to do with you. Democrats are only inclusive if you are already one of them. If not, they will slit your throat.

Joe Lieberman is a good and principled man. Do I agree with most of his principals? Not at all. Would I vote for him for President? Probably not. Would I support him for Vice President? Probably not. But, do I applaud him for standing up for what he believes to be right, and voicing unwavering support for our national security in the face of his own party's betrayal? Absolutely. If the Democratic Party had more Joe Liebermans, Washington D.C. would be a heck of a lot less partisan and the entire country would benefit.

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