Thursday, March 11, 2010

So, How's that Jobs Bill Coming, Mr. President?

Remember how, during the State of the Union Address, President Obama said that the focus for 2010 would be a new jobs bill (which begs the question - why wasn't the focus for 2009 a jobs bill)?

Well, 2010 is nearly a quarter over and we are still talking about health care reform.

As Dennis Kneale says over at CNBC (how he got that job, I'll never know), Obama is Captain Ahab and health care reform is his white whale.

Let it go Mr. President. Focus on something the people actually want.


Karen M. Peterson said...

I'm pretty sure I remember a phrase like "focus with a laser." Something like that.

How can he focus with a laser on jobs if his whole time and attention is on a crappy health care bill that most of the people and most of the congress doesn't want.

Anonymous said...

Check back on the jobs bill once the health care bill IS signed into law in a few days.

And what have the republicans done for this country lately? Seriously.

MDP said...

Who said anything about Republicans?