Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Help Stop Card Check

Legislation was introduced in both the House and Senate this week to eliminate secret ballot voting for union organizing.

The basic premise is this: currently, if employees want to unionize, they hold a secret ballot vote and if a majority vote in favor of unionization, they will be represented. Sadly for labor unions, membership is at an all-time low. So, they are pushing hard for new legislation which eliminates the secret ballot. Instead, the union only needs to get more than 50% of the employees to sign a unionization card. And since it's not a secret ballot, the union supporters and bosses will know exactly who hasn't signed. And then they can just happen to run into that person after work and say something like this, "Hey Joe, I noticed you haven't signed the union card yet. We would really like you to. I'll probably swing by your house later tonight and see if you are ready to sign yet. Oh and by the way - I know where you wife works and where you're children go to school. I'm going to have a couple of my guys watch over them to make sure nothing happens, just in case. Are you sure you're not ready to sign the card yet?"

If you think something like that won't happen, you are fooling yourself.

So, go here and sign an online petition to have the Card Check law (ironically called the Employee Free Choice Act) defeated. This law would be terrible for employees, terrible for businesses and terrible for the country.

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