Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Is it Possible Not to Hate Robert Gibbs?

I know I can't be the only person who thinks he is a total boob. The real question is: is there anyone who doesn't think so?

He was asked a bunch of hard but fair questions during his White House press briefing yesterday. He compared it to torture. Seriously? It's your job to answer the media's questions? That's torture?!?

This came a day after he took up daily press briefing time to insult former Vice President Dick Cheney. So much for a new brand of politics free from the pettiness that has plagued Washington.

This guy is a complete joke.

1 comment:

Karen M. Peterson said...

Well, considering that they think the prisoners at Gitmo are being tortured, I have come to the conclusion that libs believe the definition of torture is anything that invokes a feeling of discomfort.

Like the indigestion I feel anytime anyone in the current administration opens his/her mouth.